Think of the benefits if university students had a dorm where they could foster dogs (taking care of them until they find permanent homes). Students are busy, but they have flexible schedules, which makes responsible students ideal for helping crate train or housebreak dogs. It also helps students develop responsible behaviors by caring for a dog and combat the loneliness that often accompanies moving away and going to college.
As a foster, the long-term planning of how to keep a dog is not an issue. If the rescue does not euthanize (for space), this will lessen the guilt students may feel when they need to stop fostering. The possibilities are endless as to how a pet shelter could work with the university. Architecture and Building Construction majors could help design a shelter that minimizes noise.
As a foster, the long-term planning of how to keep a dog is not an issue. If the rescue does not euthanize (for space), this will lessen the guilt students may feel when they need to stop fostering. The possibilities are endless as to how a pet shelter could work with the university. Architecture and Building Construction majors could help design a shelter that minimizes noise.
If there was a vet school at this university, students could help with basic vetting (spay/neuter, microchips, shots). If there's a medial school, perhaps some dogs could serve as therapy dogs.
All this involvement in the community would encourage people to stop by the shelter and adopt.
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